Kizunare Fable

An RPG/adventure-filled fantasy game about self, friends, and family. Help Damon and his two friends Riley and Sierra to explore a world unfamiliar to them while on a quest to reunite Damon with his mother and father. What awaits the trio as they venture off into the unknown?

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게임 정보


The story revolves around Damon and his two friends who accompany him on his quest to find his actual parents. He sets out one day from his ordinary world hoping to find them somewhere out in the world beyond his own familiar surroundings and the orphanage where he has grown up. However, little does the trio know about the outside world and what awaits them.

Key Features:

- A story that can take 3+ hours to finish

- Discover new recipes to make!

- Uncover hidden secrets and treasure!

- Explore a vast and unknown world!

- In-game achievements!

Discord Server:

Join the developer on the discord channel!


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가격 히스토리

출시 발매가


요약 정보

RPG 무료 플레이

오픈마켓 가격 정보

업적 목록


스팀 리뷰

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