Bombing Bastards

Have a blast! Bomb oodles of nasty critters in a series of 30 wicked mazes! Defeat hellish bosses in heroic fights! Play solo or with friends in merciless battles! Embark on a hilarious journey with the witty Dr. Wallow to conquer the galaxy in this explosively fun arcade game!

트레일러 영상 보기 상점 방문하기

게임 정보

Game Modes
  • Single-player adventure: help the witty Dr. Wallow get rid of all the critters and become the ruler of the galaxy!
  • Local battle for 1 to 5 players using game controllers.
  • LAN battle.

  • 5 picturesque worlds with 30 wicked mazes.
  • A large bestiary of critters to blast.
  • A multitude of items and power ups to collect.
  • 5 hellish boss levels whose punishing difficulty will only be matched by the satisfaction you’ll get once you beat them.
  • Over 10 minutes of caustic comments from Dr. Wallow, voiced by David Goldfarb (the voice behind multiple characters in Mario Kart 8).
  • 7 famous pieces of classical music electronically butchered by Samuel Safa.
  • Controllable with the keyboard + mouse or with a game controller.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
액션 인디
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 협성상사 : 삼화페인트대리점 인디 / 미니 게임 2014년 4/4분기 팩

    ※ 보밍 배스터드 (Bombing Bastards) - Bombing.Bastards-ALiAS 릴 기반 - 어딜 봐도 봄버맨 짭.... REACTOR-SKIDROW 릴 기반 - 화면축을 회전시키며 공략하는 기믹이 인상적인 동인 출신 슈팅...

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