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  • Giveaway of the Day Week 55 - Free games for the weekday - Flight Sim's...

    Russian, French, German and Italian by clicking HERE eula: This software and accompanying... We had a great game of Left 4 Dead earlier with four giveaway group members playing the new...

  • Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World Thursday assorted links

    The early folk/protest stuff was an intro to me and I've grown to appreciate most of his... be dead. MAGA is much more Liberal overall than Reagan. The only connection I see to past...

  • Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World Sunday assorted links

    4. “Rwanda, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast and Tanzania, for example, are projected to grow by at... the dead, and the rest? "I just don’t think that one can know that with certainty." -- If...

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