MOTHERGUNSHIP mixes bullet-hell intensity with the FPS genre, and brings one of the largest gun customization options seen in video games. It’s up to you to equip your over-the-top arsenal and defeat a robotic alien armada that has conquered Earth.
Craft gun monstrosities that no reasonable person could ever lift, fight gigantic bosses and experience randomized mayhem as you battle your way to the heart of the fleet to destroy the MOTHERGUNSHIP!
Face off against overwhelming odds in brutal, non-stop combat where thinking on your feet is the only way to survive. Dodge hundreds of bullets with unique FPS/Bullet-hell hybrid gameplay. Each ship hosts hordes of alien machines, deadly traps, and intimidating bosses, all set on preventing you from saving humanity. Go get ‘em.
To take down the MOTHERGUNSHIP, you’ll need your very own personalized arsenal of destruction. Luckily, in MOTHERGUNSHIP you can create the gun of your dreams with one of the most modular gun-crafting systems ever seen in a videogame. Want to have twelve-barrel gun that shoots homing rockets? Or do you prefer a lightning shotgun? And what gun wouldn’t look better with a fishtank affixed to the top? Go for it! The design of your destructive arsenal is in your hands.
Join the ranks of the resistance against the robotic alien invasion. Destroy hordes of metallic fiends and earn your way to the Mothergunship! Fight together with a friend in a full co-op experience, while you work together to cut through the alien fleet and reach that ultimate goal – bringing down the MOTHERGUNSHIP.
이 게임은 장점을 살리지 못한 아쉬운 게임입니다. 장점 = 여러가지 무기들을 자신의 입맛대로, 손맛대로 조합할 수 있다. 단점 = 인게임내에서 입맛대로, 손맛대로 조합할 수 없다.......자기 장점을 부셔버리는 게임; 엔딩이후 기준(엔딩까지3시간)으로 적들은 어마어마한 공격력을가지는 탄막을 마구잡이로 뿌리는데 플레이어에게 딱총한자루 들려줍니다. 무기제한이죠....... 이 게임에서 무기조합 빼면 뭐가 남는다고;; 심지어 상점이 나오지 않아 끝내 죽거나 딱총으로 깨는 경우도 허다합니다 그래도 몇몇 미션은 무기제한이 높습니다.(거의 없음) 하지만 자신이 조합한 무기를 맘껏 사용하며 싸우는 플레이는 불가능합니다. 체력회복킷이 랜덤으로 드랍되지만 세발의 피라서 죽기바빠요.