Conflict: Denied Ops

*This is a single player only title*Venezuela is left in a state of civil war after the government was brutally overthrown by a military coup. With factions fighting to reinstate democracy, the U.S. government has offered their assistance, though the new government regime has threatened to deploy nuclear weapons if the U.S.

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게임 정보

*This is a single player only title*

Venezuela is left in a state of civil war after the government was brutally overthrown by a military coup. With factions fighting to reinstate democracy, the U.S. government has offered their assistance, though the new government regime has threatened to deploy nuclear weapons if the U.S. meddles in Venezuelan affairs. The threat needs to be neutralized, and the U.S can't risk nuclear war.

The CIA Special Activities Division operates in isolation and secrecy. If captured, any link with the U.S. Government will be denied.

Conflict: Denied Ops is a highly accessible FPS featuring massive, extremely explosive firefights across destructible environments. Work as a team to utilize the specific skills of each operative and experience the ultimate in destructive satisfaction with tons of exploding objects and an endless barrage of terrorists who are begging to be blown to hell.

Key Features:

  • Two-Man Tactics – Switch between team members at any time for maximum control.
  • Explode Your Enemies – Levels are built around massive fire fights with a continuous stream of enemies, and tons of exploding objects littered around the level to help your cause.
  • Destroy Everything – Obliterate your enemies with explosions, demolish buildings, blow through walls and destroy almost anything in the environment.
  • Accessible Action – Give commands to your team mate simply by pressing or holding a single button. Concentrate on the action, not complicated menus or control schemes.
  • Puncture-Tech™ – Utilize strategic destruction made possible with new Puncture-Tech™ technology developed by Pivotal Studios. Blast open new pathways, shoot unaware enemies through walls, or create holes in your cover to generate firing paths.


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

6500 원

추정 판매 / 매출
예측 판매량


예측 매출


요약 정보

영어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

관련 기사

업적 목록


스팀 리뷰 (1)

총 리뷰 수: 1 긍정 피드백 수: 1 부정 피드백 수: 0 전체 평가 : 1 user reviews
  • 전혀 유명하지 않고 평가도 그저 그렇지만 1000원도 안하는 가격에 10여년 전 게임들에서 볼 수 있는 향수가 그립다면 잠깐 해보는 것도 나쁘지 않다. 난 벳지 팔아서 나온 돈으로 공짜로 샀으므로 추천. 두명을 탭키로 전환하며 조종할 수 있고 돌격 명령을 내리고 쓰러지면 살려주고 하면서 혼자 코옵을 하는 게임임. 나름 할만함.
