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유저 한글패치 다운로드
바이오쇼크2 본편 한글패치 + DLC 보호자의 시련 + DLC 미네르바의 동굴 + 멀티플레이 한글패치
Multiplayer in BioShock 2 will provide a rich prequel experience that expands the origins of the BioShock fiction. Set during the fall of Rapture, players assume the role of a Plasmid test subject for Sinclair Solutions, a premier provider of Plasmids and Tonics in the underwater city of Rapture that was first explored in the original BioShock. Players will need to use all the elements of the BioShock toolset to survive, as the full depth of the BioShock experience is refined and transformed into a unique multiplayer experience that can only be found in Rapture.
This bundle also includes the Sinclair Solutions Test Pack, Rapture Metro Map Pack, Kill ‘em Kindly, Zigo & Blanche multiplayer characters, and The Protector Trials. Requires the full game to play.Single-player Features
- Evolution of the Genetically Enhanced Shooter: Innovative advances bring new depth and dimension to each encounter. New elements, such as the ability to dual-wield weapons and Plasmids, allow players to create exciting combination's of punishment
- Return to Rapture: Set approximately 10 years after the events of the original BioShock, the story continues with an epic, more intense journey through one of the most captivating and terrifying fictional worlds ever created
- You are the Big Daddy: Take control of BioShock’s signature and iconic symbol by playing as the Big Daddy, and experience the power and raw strength of Rapture’s most feared denizens as you battle powerful new enemies
- Continuation of the Award-Winning Narrative: New and unique storytelling devices serve as the vehicle for the continuation of one of gaming’s most acclaimed storylines
- The Protector Trials: You receive the call: Tenenbaum desperately needs you to steal as much ADAM as possible, to help thwart Sofia Lamb's insane plan. Enter the Protector Trials: frantic combat challenges designed to push your mastery of weapons and Plasmids to the limit. The goal in each Trial is simple: get your Little Sister to an ADAM-rich corpse and keep her safe while she gathers precious ADAM. Opposition mounts as your Little Sister nears her goal -- will you survive the onslaught? Each Trial features three unique weapon and Plasmid load-outs, keeping the challenge fresh, as well as a fourth bonus load-out the player receives when all previous load-outs are completed
Multiplayer Features
- Genetically Enhanced Multiplayer: Earn experience points during gameplay to earn access to new Weapons, Plasmids and Tonics that can be used to create hundreds of different combinations, allowing players to develop a unique character that caters to their playing style.
- Experience Rapture’s Civil War: Players will step into the shoes of Rapture citizens and take direct part in the civil war that tore Rapture apart.
- See Rapture Before the Fall: Experience Rapture before it was reclaimed by the ocean and engage in combat over iconic environments in locations such as Kashmir Restaurant and Mercury Suites, all of which have been reworked from the ground up for multiplayer.
- FPS Veterans Add Their Touch to the Multiplayer Experience: Digital Extremes brings more than 10 years of first person shooter experience including development of award-winning entries in the Unreal® and Unreal Tournament® franchise.
- Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack: Opportunity Awaits! Expand your BioShock 2 multiplayer experience with a rank increase to 50 with Rank Rewards including a 3rd set of weapons upgrades. Plus, enjoy 20 new Trials, 2 new playable characters and 5 new Masks. Yes! We’d thought you’d like the sound of that!
- Rapture Metro: As one of our valued Sinclair Solutions testers, we specially invite you to enjoy the pleasure of Rebirth! But only if you are truly dedicated and fully ranked up. However all testers are eligible for the 6 new maps in Rapture Metro. What’s your golf handicap? Take this chance to turn your handicap into your enemy’s with this fresh melee mode where every blunt object is a golf club. No putting.
- Zigo & Blanche: Enroll in Sinclair Solution’s Consumer Rewards Program with two new characters for the BioShock 2 Multiplayer experience: Mlle Blanche de Glace, the internationally acclaimed actress, or Zigo D’Acosta, one of Rapture’s great sailors. Get out there and start earning those rewards!
전작 바이오쇼크의 후속작. 전작으로부터 8년뒤 이야기를 다루고 있으며 유저는 초기 빅대디가 되어 모험을 합니다. 우선 전작과의 차이점을 보면. 1. 그래픽 향상 - 당연합니다. ㅡ_-; 2. 빅대디의 양손플레이 - 전작에서는 플라스미드와 무기를 동시에 쓸 수 없었습니다. 3. 이브소지량 감소(아....) , 고정진행형방식 (한번 지나온 챕터는 다시 못갑니다.) 4. 아담과 골드의 습득량증가( 1편에 비해 정말 넉넉합니다.) 5. 시스터의 생사결정권 외에 NPC의 생사결정권 (중요해요 선택에 따라 엔딩이 달라집니다.) 6.빅시스터를 소환할 수 있는 플라스미드 (최종병기그녀...) 7. PC판의 경우 엄청난 팅김현상.... ( 본편은 그다지 팅김현상을 못 느꼈습니다만, 미네르바던은 진행불가일 정도입니다. 팅김때문에 저도 미네르바던은 포기하고 콘솔로 구입해 플레이 할 생각입니다. 예전 게임이라 매물이나 있을지 모르겠네요.) 2의 스토리는 전작으로부터 8년 뒤 막강한 두 인물이 죽어버리고 주인공마저 지상으로 올라가자 소피아 램이라는 인물이 랩쳐를 장악하고 다시 소녀들을 납치, 시스터로 개조하고 다시금 아담을 채취합니다. 그 와중에 우리의 주인공 빅대디는 소피아램으로부터 자신의 딸(시스터)를 찾으려고 하는데 이 과정이 게임의 스토리입니다. 그리고 빅대디의 시스터인 엘레노어램이 히로인격으로 나옵니다. (자세한 스토리는 역시 게임을 통해서....) 렙쳐는 전작보다 상황이 더 난장판이 되는데 손을 쓸 수 없을 정도로 나락으로 떨어져 버렸습니다. 전작이 자유의지주의에 대한 신랄한 비판을 보여줬다면 2에서는 전체주의와 공산주의에 대한 비판을 보여줍니다. 전작에 비해 스토리가 부실하다고 하는데 전작의 워낙 명작이라 그렇지 2역시 다른 게임들에 비하면 매우 훌륭합니다. 요즘같이 스토리는 안드로메다로 보내버리고 화려한 그래픽으로만 먹고 살려는 게임들이 많은 지경에 단비와 같은 수준입니다. 화려하고 영화같은 연출장면은 없지만 오히려 더 몰입감과 이해되는 스토리전개로 유저를 붙잡아 놓는 매력이 있습니다. 전작만큼이나 배경음악 역시 훌륭하고요. 요즘 쓸데없이 그래픽만 화려하고 퍽하면 오픈월드나 내세우며 적이고 아군이고 어떤 이유고 없이 그저 죽이는 재미만을 추구하는 게임들과 달리 옛 게임의 특유의 감흥과 생각하게 만드는 스토리와 게임철학으로 인해 적극 추천드립니다.