Two Worlds II Castle Defense

While the bloody battle between Gandohar’s troops and the armies of the Orcs is raging in front of the gates of Oswaroth, the emperor waits in the depths of his palace on the outcome of the struggle for power.

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게임 정보

While the bloody battle between Gandohar’s troops and the armies of the Orcs is raging in front of the gates of Oswaroth, the emperor waits in the depths of his palace on the outcome of the struggle for power. However, he does not know that an elite troop of Orcs, led by Rogdor, is making its way through secret paths into the fortress and is now close to the portals of the throne room...


Utilize the opportunity to slip into the role of the Emperor Gandohar and his henchman Sordahon! These villains from the "Two Worlds" universe are now playable for the first time ever in this strategy game, thus opening an entirely new perspective into the vast world of Antaloor. Using foresight and skill, you must defend abandoned ruins, dark forests and winding catacombs against the onrushing Orcs. Ward off each attack with clever tactics and weaponry, defending Gandohar's throne in the Oswaroth fortress! Are you ready to break the high score and confront the ultimate Castle Defense challenge against opponents from around the world?

Key features:

  • Comprehensive campaign mode provides an immersive approach to this strategic title
  • Jump right into the Arena mode for instant action
  • Content based on both "Two Worlds" role-playing games
  • A range of environments including ruins, forests and catacombs
  • Two distinct playable characters to lead your army, both equipped with special attacks such as Fire Damage or Ice Bomb
  • Six uniquely different, upgradeable combat units such as Magicians and Rangers
  • Dozens of different enemy archetypes in over 20 independent classes
  • Advanced unit management with a variety of powers at your disposal
  • Massive levels with up to 50 units on-screen simultaneously
  • Individual graphics and sound settings
  • Atmospherically dense level based soundtrack
  • Competitive online high-score hunting in Campaign and Arena modes


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

11000 원

추정 판매 / 매출
예측 판매량


예측 매출


요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS
영어*, 프랑스어, 독일어, 이탈리아어, 러시아어, 스페인어 - 스페인
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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    가격 : 아이폰용 $ 9.99 / 아이패드 용 : $ 11.99 아이폰 용 다운 받기 : 아이패드 용 다운 받기 :

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    이름 : Two Worlds II Castle Defense 링크 : 가격 : 10,500원 설명 : 병사들로 몬스터 막기 개인 감상 : 뭔가 느린듯 재밌네 플레이 타임 : 2.5시간 디펜스 게임입니다. 플레이어를...

  • 사막여우 블로그 Two Worlds II HD : Shattered Embrace

    게임 : Two Worlds II HD : Shattered Embrace 출시일 : 2019-12-06 게임 플렛폼 : PC 공식 홈페이지 "Two Worlds 2 : Castle Defense" : 2 세대 이야기는 1 세대 후 몇 년이 지나면 안 탈루 아 동부 대륙으로...

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스팀 리뷰 (2)

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