게임 정보
Steam Big Picture
게임 정보
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved is a old school style shooter, but remixed for the 21st century with next generation graphics and deep, modern gameplay. Playing is simple: you are a geometric "ship" trapped in a grid world, facing off against waves of deadly wanderers, snakes, and repulsars. Your aim is to survive long enough to set a high score!Avoid the spawning enemies, and shoot them down for points. You can also fire smart bombs, which destroy all bad guys on the screen. Save these up for when the going gets really tough!
The more bad guys you kill, the higher your score multiplier goes (2x, 4x, etc.). The higher your multiplier, the more you can score. But don't die, as you lose your multiplier and have to build it up again from scratch!
- Addictive "just one more go" gameplay, with mesmerizing graphics.
- Pixel perfect recreation of the Xbox Live Arcade game.
- Support for keyboard, mouse, and dual-stick gamepad play.
이 게임 오래전 PSP 홈브류 프로그램에 기본으로 깔려있던 게임이었는데...이게 생각보다 너무 재밌었다 이게 스팀에 있는지는 몰랐는데 있길래 바로 삼 그떄 그시절 추억도 생각나고 어렵긴해도 성취감은 쩌는 게임 단순하지만 화려하고 큰재미를 주는 슈팅게임이다